Industry-leading partners for high-quality solutions
We partner with high quality vendors and service providers. They are chosen because they meet our needs from a price and management perspective, and our customers' needs. We love introducing our customers to the latest in technologies that will make their work more efficient, convenient, and secure.

Rock Solid
Even small businesses can benefit from enterprise-grade email and cloud storage services. Spitfire are experts at moving you from old, disfunctional email to rock solid email that works on all your devices, and hardens your security against data loss and theft.

We have partnered with SherWeb, out of Montreal, to provide solid, enterprise-grade I.T. infrastructure.

Authorized Bitdefender Reseller
Year after year, Bitdefender comes out on top for enterprise-grade anti-virus, and threat detection and elimination. Spitfire I.T. is an authorized Bitdefender reseller and can provide you the best price and service for your deployment. Contact us for a quote or free trial today.
Work From Home
Connect to a computer remotely, be it from the other end of the office or halfway around the world. AnyDesk ensures secure and reliable remote desktop connections for IT professionals and on-the-go individuals alike.
Visit our AnyDesk partner page.
Phone Solution
If you're still paying Bell for an old fashioned phone system, consider the dramatic improvements in service and price you'll get from upgrading to VoIP from Callture. Not sure what that means? Contact us today and let us help you.
Back Up
Your Data
Your mission-critical data must be backed up outside your place of business. N-Able is a trusted choice in nightly cloud backups. Easy, safe, and very secure, you can sleep easier knowing your most important data is protected from loss.

Domain Names
A wholly Canadian owned domain service provider and certified CIRA registar with great customer service. ​ ​